Reflux Surgery
Reflux is the backflow of acidic and bile stomach contents into the esophagus and mouth. It occurs in almost one fifth of adults and is the most common of the esophagus disorders. There is a pressure mechanism between the lower part of the esophagus and the stomach inlet. When the function of this valve is impaired, stomach contents escape back into the esophagus. There is burning and pain in the chest and mouth. Chest spasm can occur due to constant irritation of the esophagus, which is vulnerable to stomach acid. This spasm can even cause reflux to be mistaken for a heart attack from time to time.
What are the symptoms of reflux?
Reflux usually gives noisy symptoms such as burning, rancidity, pain and spasm. The most common complaints of patients are the arrival of bitter stomach content in the mouth at night after a late meal, bitter water when taking something from the floor or when tying shoes. Sometimes, reflux findings are more hidden and manifest with other disorders. For example, sore throat, hoarseness, dry cough, tooth decay and bad breath.
What causes reflux disorder?
I mentioned that there is a valve mechanism between the esophagus and the stomach entrance. All reasons that disrupt the function of this cover can cause reflux. Some medications, foods, and hormones can cause reflux. The causes of reflux can be counted as smoking, alcohol, chocolate and cocoa foods, peppermint, fatty and spicy foods, coffee, caffeine, tea, some blood pressure and heart medications. Surgically, the most important reason is the disruption of the valve function with the herniation of the stomach by sliding towards the chest cavity. Here, too, the problem is obesity, wearing very tight clothes, and the causes that increase the pressure in the abdominal cavity such as an abdominal mass.
How is reflux disorder diagnosed?
In patients who apply to the physician with complaints due to reflux, a camera called gastroscopy is performed to examine the initial part of the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. With this procedure, it is checked whether the complaints are caused by gastric wall inflammation called gastritis or reflux due to gastric hernia. Meanwhile, the damage caused by reflux to the esophagus is also seen. When a hernia is detected in the patient, the frequency of reflux to the esophagus and the pressure of the valve mechanism can be checked by applying methods called pH meter and manometer.
What is good for reflux? How is reflux disorder treated?
In patients who do not have many complaints, the lifestyle is tried to be changed first. Some of the methods that can be applied are taking the dinner hours earlier, not eating cocoa, fatty and spicy foods that can cause reflux, quitting smoking and alcohol, using a reflux pillow, and losing weight. Drugs that reduce stomach acid also contribute to the reduction of complaints.
How is reflux surgery done?
If the source of reflux is a hernia, this is a mechanical problem as in all other hernias and should be resolved surgically. Reflux surgery is the only real treatment option. Reflux surgery is performed laparoscopically with a camera by making small incisions on the abdomen. The upper part of the stomach, called the fundus, which is freed from the herniated area, is wrapped around the lower part of the esophagus as if it were a clamp. In the meantime, the hernia area is repaired. In this way, the stomach is prevented from sliding upwards and a valve mechanism is created again.
When will I return to my normal life after the operation?
Patients usually leave the hospital within 2 days after reflux surgery. During the first month, it is necessary to feed with juicy and soft foods in order to allow the esophagus to get used to its new condition. After 10-14 days from the operation, normal life and working life can be resumed.